Need A Tune-Up?
Any informed automobile owner knows that to keep his car running smoothly for a long period of time, he needs to have periodic tune ups. In the same way couples need to give their marriage periodic tune ups so that they can keep their lives together running smoothly for many years (actually until "death do us part").
Michael and Donna Martin have kept their marriage running smoothly for over 43 years. Of course they have encountered bumps along the way, but through the years they have learned how to keep their marriage fine tuned so that the bumps only cause their love to grow stronger as they face challenges head-on and grow closer together as they travel through life.
The Martins enjoy sharing their marriage "tune-up" tips with other couples. For over 43 years they have been helping couples, young and old, build strong marriges that avoid detours and breakdowns. Sign up for a "Happy Together Marriages" Weekend Event.
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