Love Habits

By: Michael Martin
There are too many people unhappy with their marriage. There are too many marriages that are failing. There are too many husbands that feel disrespected by their wife. There are too many wives that feel unloved by their husbands. There are too many couples who feel disconnected emotionally. Too many couples are not “happy together” in their marriage.
What can be done? Can couples be happy? Can husbands get the respect they desire? Can wives feel loved and cherished by their husbands again? Can couples reconnect emotionally?
The answer is a resounding “yes” but it will take effort, time, discipline, and commitment.
In the Bible, the Old Testament writer of the Song of Solomon, provides a beautiful picture of the physical side of marital love. Its sensual words applaud sexuality and touch as part of God’s wonderful creation. (Song of Solomon 1: 1– 4)
You must work together to build a “Happy Together” marriage and it is worth the effort. Start now and build a better future together by developing the following habits.
Daily - 5 Touch Habits
Make it a habit to touch your spouse in loving ways. Do this at least 5 times a day by massaging shoulders, kissing, hugging, holding hands, etc. (Do not do all 5 things at one time. Spread it out through the day.) Try your best to make each touch special.
Weekly – 4 Talk Habits
The average couple spends only four minutes a day in meaningful conversations. This is a huge reason why couples do not feel loved and respected. Four days a week, escape to a place where you can be alone and uninterrupted for at least 30 minutes. Spend this time talking, reconnecting, and doing something you both enjoy - a walk around the block, a coke date at Sonic, etc. Refrain from talking about problems. Just “chill” together.
Monthly – 1 Date Habit
One night every month, plan to go out alone with your spouse for at least 2 hours to enjoy each other's company. Go anywhere, do anything, talk, laugh, have fun. Talking about work, money or children is off limits.
Monthly –1 Romance Habit
At least once a month, plan a steamy night of romance and lovemaking. Plan the details - a movie, a massage, a walk, or anything that will get the romantic juices flowing. Make this the night that you look forward to and talk about often. (However, this does not mean you only have sex one time a month. This is an especially sexy night!)
Yearly – 1 Getaway Habit
At least once a year go on a 2-day Getaway where you spend at least one night in a hotel at least 50 miles from your home. This could be sometime around your anniversary, a birthday event, a summer or winter outing, etc.
Developing these five habits will help you to be “Happier Together” and could even save your marriage.
Try this and let us know how it works out.
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