Spring Cleaning

By: Donna Martin
Being confined to the house during the latest ice and snow storm has provided us the opportunity to do some early spring cleaning. It is always refreshing to get rid of the things we don’t need - like those outdated clothes that have been taking up precious room in our cluttered closet. And it gives one a sense of accomplishment to sort and organize photos that have been scattered in various nooks and crannies of our house.
Just like our closets, drawers, and cabinets, sometimes our marriages need a little spring cleaning. Perhaps there are things that you need to throw out and replace in your hearts and minds that will give room for love to grow in your marriage. Take a look at some of the suggestions for spring cleaning your marriage:
Throw out bitterness and anger, and replace it with kindness and forgiveness. Ephesians 4:31- 32
Throw out hatred and, replace it with love. Proverbs 10:12 (NLT)
Throw out sin, and replace it with self-control. 1 Peter 4:1-8
Throw out coldness, and replace it with affection. 1 Corinthians 7:3-4
Throw out disrespect, and replace it with respect. Ephesians 5:33
Throw out worry, and replace it with joy and peace. Philippians 4:4-7
Throw out selfishness, and replace it with selflessness. Philippians 2:4
Renewing our hearts and minds is not just a spring thing. I find that I have to do it almost daily when interruptions, disappointments, and life’s stresses begin to fill my life. I often pray this prayer from Psalm 51:10, “Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me.”
The Martins currently present “Happy Together” Marriage Enrichment Events for churches and organizations. To schedule an event call Michael at 940-735-1515. They are certified “Prepare/Enrich” Facilitators and are available to work with couples on an individual basis using the “Prepare/Enrich Assessment.” They publish a weekly “Happy Together” Blog about family and marriage issues. You can order copies of their new books Dancing With Death and 366 Tidbits We Have Learned in 14,610 Days of Marriage, read, and subscribe to their “Happy Together” Blog by logging onto the Martin’s website at www.happytogethermarriages.com.
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