Tips for Mother's Day

By: Donna Martin
Here’s an IMPORTANT NOTICE!!!! If your mother or wife says, “Oh, don’t worry about getting me anything for Mother’s Day,” that does NOT mean “Do not get me anything for Mother’s Day.” So why in the world would she tell you not to get her anything? Crazy isn’t it! Mother’s have the gift of nurturing, and they love taking care of their families. Often they sacrifice their wants and needs for the wants and needs of their families. They do not mind doing this as all because a mother’s love is so deep and unconditional. If your mother or wife tells you not do get her anything, she is thinking of you. She does not want to be any trouble to anyone. She knows you are busy, and she does not want to interfere or make life hard for you because her goal in life has always been to make life better and comfortable for you. But Mothers need love too!
Most mothers are easy to please, so you do not have to buy something expensive and perhaps you do not have to buy anything at all. The gift of your time could be enough especially if your mother’s love language is quality time. If it is just asking if you can come to her house for lunch or dinner would be a wonderful way to say, “I love you!” (Just be sure to tell her you are going to clean up the dishes or even help her prepare the meal.)
ANOTHER VERY IMPORTANT NOTICE – especially if you are a Millennia!!! Texting your mother on Mother’s Day is NOT ENOUGH. Your mother was the first person to hear your voice and she has loved hearing you talk and having conversations with you since the day you were born. She may love receiving texts from you (l love receiving them from my children and grandchildren), but on Mother’s Day she wants to hear your voice. If your mother has a very active life, you may have to call several times before you connect with her, but keep calling until she say’s “Hello.” She longs for conversations with you.
For mothers who have lost their mother, Mother’s Day can be very difficult. If your wife or mother is one of the many “motherless daughters” you may need to comfort her and be sensitive to the loss she feels on this day, especially if this is her first Mother’s Day without her mother. Don’t just ignore the day; she knows it is Mother’s Day. Find a way to love and honor her even as she may be dealing with all kinds of emotions. Comfort her and cherish her. Let her know how much you care and how thankful you are for her.
If your wife or daughter has lost a child, or if she has been unable to get pregnant, this is an extremely hard day for her also. Once again, be sensitive and comforting. Allow her to express her sadness, anger, or frustration.
You only have one mother, so do something to make her feel special, loved, and appreciated.
The Martins are available to present “Happy Together” Marriage Enrichment Events for churches and organizations. To schedule an event call Michael at 940-735-1515. They are certified “Prepare/Enrich” Facilitators and are available to work with couples on an individual basis using the “Prepare/Enrich Assessment.” They publish a weekly “Happy Together” Blog about family and marriage issues. You can order copies of their new books Dancing With Death and 366 Tidbits We Have Learned in 14,610 Days of Marriage, read, and subscribe to their “Happy Together” Blog by logging onto the Martin’s website at
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