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« Attention Parents! | Great Ideas for Valentine’s Day »

Get Ready for Valentine’s Day

By:  Donna Martin

Remember Valentine’s Day is this Friday, February 14.  If you do not already have something planned then you better get busy!  Of course, flowers, chocolates, or a romantic get-away are always great ideas.  If you are looking for some fresh ideas just keep on reading.


  1. Attach a $50 bill to a lingerie store ad or catalog, along with a note, "You choose."
  2. Get a couples massage
  3. Have a picnic in the living room complete with candles and romantic music.
  4. Do something active together.  Go dancing, bike riding, ice skating, or fly a kite.
  5. Get up early and make your Valentine a special breakfast treat!  It could be as simple as a cinnamon roll with a cup of hot chocolate or coffee with whipped cream on top served in a Valentine mug.
  6. Begin the day with something special – a Valentine card like the kids exchange taped to the bathroom mirror, a chocolate kiss placed beside the coffee, a single long-stemmed rose in a bud vase on the bathroom counter, a sweet note taped to the steering wheel of the car, a helium balloon tied onto the handle of the car.
  7. Send Valentine texts to your spouse throughout the day.  You might want to set a reminder and send your spouse a message every hour on the hour.
  8. Call the radio station and dedicate a song to your spouse.  Make sure he or she is listening when the song is played.
  9. Cook a romantic meal together.
  10. Write goals for things you want to accomplish this year.

Make the day really special by doing something to surprise your spouse in the morning and continuing with small surprises throughout the day.

The Martins currently present “Happy Together” marriages seminars for churches and organizations.  To schedule a seminar call Michael at 940-735-1515. They also publish a weekly “Happy Together” Blog about family and marriage issues.  You can order copies of their new books Dancing With Death and 366 Tidbits We Have Learned in 14,610 Days of Marriage, read, and subscribe to their “Happy Together” Blog by logging onto the Martin’s website at


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