Marriage and Procrastination

By Michael K. Martin
Procrastination is a serious challenge to having a “Happy Together” marriage. Men sometimes think; I want a good marriage but I will do what it takes “tomorrow when I have more time” to make my marriage great.
Then you start a family. Then it is necessary to juggle your time between children and spouse, and life really gets hectic. Then your schedule gets full of activities with school, church, sports, and career. Then possibly your parents’ health starts to decline so you are in the “sandwich” stage of your marriage where you are taking care of both your children and your parents. Then before you know it, it is 20 years later and you have procrastinated building a great relationship with your spouse. Then you wonder: Where has the time gone?
Getting started and being consistent seems impossible even when we know that ignoring our spouses “love” needs over time creates a marital challenge. Because of obligations to our job, other people and other responsibilities, we put our marriage on the back burner. Unfortunately, when we procrastinate meeting the “love” needs of our spouse; it not only affects our relationship with our spouse it also has a negative effect on every aspect of our life.
So when do we start building a great “Happy Together” marriage?
The answer is “today”. Today, start developing habits that help build a “Happy Together” marriage. (A habit is “an action or pattern of behavior that is repeated so often that it becomes something that you do automatically, although you may not be aware of it”).
Getting starting is the tough part.
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