Heed the Warning Signs

By Donna Martin
My heart was broken as I watched the recent news about hurricane Sandy. The pictures that we saw on television could not begin to show the true extent of the real hurt and pain of the people who lost loved ones, belongings, and homes. However, I am always amazed at the number of people who do not heed the warnings when a storm is approaching. I do not know their reasons, but it must be a terrible feeling to know that if you had only heeded the warning, things might have gone better.
In marriages couples often fail to heed the warnings that trouble is brewing. Little irritations mount up, schedules get busy, resentments brew and then suddenly the word divorce is shouted out and a family is destroyed.
Here are a few examples of some warning signs of trouble in a marriage:
- You do not talk to each other or share dreams
- You find yourself constantly resenting things that your spouse has done in the past or does daily
- You are constantly arguing and bickering usually over the same subject
- You are too busy for each other
- You constantly nitpick and criticize
- You no longer have fun together
- You can’t agree on goals and values
- You never say anything nice about each other
- You have lost trust in each other
Conflict in marriage is not bad, in fact, conflict in marriage can strengthen the marriage when it is resolved in the proper manner, however, constant, unresolved conflict is a sign that there is trouble.
If you see warning signs that there is trouble in your marriage get help immediately before the storms of life destroy your marriage and your family.
For more articles about marriage and family life, to respond this blog visit, or to schedule a marriage seminar in your church go to www.happytogethermarriage.com.
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