Love and Thanksgiving

By Michael Martin
The Thanksgiving season is a great opportunity to let your wife know how thankful you are for her. Men get so involved in work and the pressures of life that sometimes they may not realize that they are not giving their wives the appreciation they need. They are working to provide for her material needs, but they are overlooking emotional and psychological needs that need to be met
You can show your wife that you are thankful for her by showing her unconditional love.
Ephesians 5:33 states that “a man must love his wife as he loves himself” so your wife has got to know that you love her in order for her to feel appreciated. You can’t just say you are thankful for her, you must show her you are thankful for her. Showing thankfulness requires action.
You might say “I am thankful for my wife” and down deep you probably are. But there are habits that we have developed that send messages to our wives that we are not really thankful for her. Our tone of voice, our body language, being inattentive, and sarcastic comments can all make her feel unappreciated.
Here are some great habits to develop that will let your wife know you are thankful for her:
Put your arm around her as you cross the street
Slowly touch your wife’s cheeks (either set) as you gaze into her eyes
Give her hugs and kisses daily.
Tell your wife often that she is important to you.
Talk to your wife about her day.
Give her sympathy, not advise when she has had a bad day.
Compliment her in front of her peers and your children.
Tell your wife daily that you love her.
Take your wife out on “dates”.
Do not let your eyes “wander”.
Tell your wife what you love about her.
Leave your wife love notes.
Bring her “surprise” gifts.
Do not forget important dates.
So as you celebrate this Thanksgiving season, take some moments to reflect on the love that you have for your wife and “show” her that you are thankful for her. It is simple, but essential. While you are at it, put down that toilet seat, too.
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