What We Believe:
We believe there is one God, and that
man was created to glorify and worship God.
We believe that Jesus Christ is the
Son of God. He was born of
a virgin, lived a sinless life, and
died on the cross to save us
from our sins.
We believe that he
arose from the grave and ascended
to heaven and that one day he
will return to earth.
We believe that Jesus is the only
way to salvation. When a person
repents from his sins and places
his faith in Jesus, then he is
saved for eternity and will go to
heaven when he dies. If a person
rejects Jesus he will spend eternity in hell.
We believe that the Bible is divinely
inspired and is the Word of God,
without error.
We believe that marriage was
instituted by God and is intended
to be between one man and one woman.