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Dancing With Death

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The Martin's were a normal family living in a normal small town.  They were busy working hard to make ends meet and enjoying the excitement that comes with raising a family of two boys and one girl.  Each day they went to work, and on weekends they spent time with their family.  On Sundays, they went to church or traveled to other churches presenting concerts as a family.  Life was pretty normal until one spring day in April of 1990.  A day that changed their lives and set them on a road that they never intended to travel.  In the lowest time of their lives, God worked through Michael Jordan, Derek Harper, Coach Grant Teaff, Dino, Joe Montana, J. D. Hill, a camel and the local community to give strength and support to the Martin family.  Dancing with Death illustrates the power of faith, hope, love, Christian friends, and family.

The authors’ details are gripping. Readers will feel a bond with the authors through reading about their inner feelings.  The Martin’s bravely make themselves vulnerable to their audience, even including such questions as, “God, don’t you think we’ve been through enough?” It’s a question we all ask in our minds but are usually too intimidated to say aloud. Things like this make the book unique, touching and very valuable reading for everyone.

The authors give God credit, glory and praise throughout the book, terrifically conveying how God was with them every step of the way.


366 Tidbits That We

Have Learned In

14610 Days Of Marriage

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This book is a collection of 366 serious and humorous tidbits about relationships that the Martin's have learned in 14610 days of marriage. The information is intended to help couples build stronger marriages.  The book is a “must read” for couples of all ages married or soon to be married. As former educators, they believe that this book should be “assigned reading” for all couples.