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Your Gift To Strengthen marriages, families, and churches

We would like to invite you to partner with us and make an investment in the lives of married couples and their families.  Your gift will provide scholarships for couples to attend Marriage Enrichment Weekends and/or receive private Coaching. Our coaching sessions are unique in that a couple meets with not just one coach but with a husband / wife team. Our coaching session and enrichment weekends will provide practical Biblical answers that couples need to overcome the challenges in every marriage ... until every home is a Godly home!

You have several options for donating.

1. Please make one-time donation by clicking on the "DONATION" button below and following the instructions to use your credit or debit card.

2. You can also set up a "RECURRING DONATION" by clicking on Recurring Donation from acredit or debit card.

3. You can also send a check to us at:

2103 Clearwater Trail - Carrollton, TX 75010

Please make your check payable to:
Happy Together Marriages

 To set up a "Recurring Donation" of any amount.
Click Below.


Please remember, because of our Non-Profit 501(C)(3), (Married Folks, Inc) status, all donations are tax-deductible.

If you have any questions, please give me a call at 940-735-1515.


 Thank you very much!!