Resolutions 2014
Monday, January 13, 2014 at 6:02PM
Michael and Donna Martin

What can you do for your marriage in 2014? Try making a New Year’s resolution to improve your relationship. Here are 14 ideas for 2014 to get started:

Schedule several “Date Nights” for the first few months of the year.

Draw up your 2014 household budget together. Discuss priorities.

Take turns selecting a favorite scripture passage to pray about each week. Share your reflections with each other.

Resolve to read at least one book together on how to strengthen your relationship.

Resolve to do at least one service activity this year, as a family or a couple.

Praise your spouse more this year.

Make affectionate time a priority.

Greet your spouse each morning with a smile and a cheerful “Good Morning”.

Schedule a vacation for the year.

Actively listen

Discuss your goals, aspirations, and “bucket list” for the year.

Walk or work out together at least 4 times a week.

Spend more time with extended family.

Criticize less.

Article originally appeared on Happy Together Marriages (
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